Why Accept Islam - The Reasoning Behind the Choice | The Muslim Blog

There is a system of life that can satisfy your heart. A book called the Qur’an was revealed to humanity in the 7th Century CE, and in it are the answers you were always looking for. It is a message from the Creator of this Earth. It is your guide and handbook to life. Accept it and you will be able to feel the happiness you always wanted. Accept Islam and fill the gap in your life that was never filled. It is true and it is logical - but to realize this one needs a deep sense of honesty that so many people don’t have.

People have many questions in life. When it comes to life, death, ethics, God, and many other pressing issues, Islam offers answers. This post is intended to answer, briefly, the very important question: why Islam?

What is Islam?

The logic of Islam will be discussed, but first I want you to imagine something. I want you to imagine a prison. People in there are converting to Islam. It’s not because they want violence; they had all the violence they need. It’s not because they want to harm someone; they’ve done that enough in their lives. It is because they want a righteous, moral lifestyle. It is because the Qur’an, the life of Muhammad ﷺ and the lives of other Muslims have been an inspiration and a source of hope.

It’s interesting to note that people who don’t know that much about Islam seem to say so much about it. “The Qur’an orders violence,” they say. Only they don’t read the Qur’an - they don’t even read the entirety of the verses they are referencing. Historical context? Seems unimportant to a whole lot of people. Maybe there’s the possibility that the Qur’an is realistic and was ordering Muslims to go to war to defend their religion - but how could that be true when the news don’t say so?

It doesn’t seem that they read a letter sent to ISIS by Muslim scholars from around the world, that criticized them sharply with Islamic sources. It doesn’t seem that they’ve read anything except what they want to read.

Misconceptions and True Islam

Islam abuses women, they say. Except that they don’t look at the reason behind all the guidelines of Islam. Maybe, just maybe, they were in response to real problems facing people? Maybe we should take a look at the rights of women in pre-Islamic Arabia, and see what rights Muhammad ﷺ gave them, instead of applying strictly 21st Century standards to a man who lives in the 7th Century?

The reality is, Islam is not unjust in any way. Islam is nothing but logic. Discovering this demands a deep observation, contrary to the limited attention people often give to this most important topic.

It is not a violent way of life, but when you are under attack, it likely will give you the right to defend yourself.

It is not an overly restrictive way of life, but when you want to do something excessive that will harm you in the long run, Islam will likely stop you from hurting yourself.

And to come to these conclusions, one likely needs a deep look at the religion. seen through the media or through anti-Muslim material, the full truth about Islam may not be clear at all.

The Logic Behind Islam

But still, what is the logic behind Islam? How is it the Qur’an the word of God? How is God real anyway?

I will say that in reality, God ﷻ is a most insightful conclusion:

"Allah is not a bizarre concept. You can see Him everywhere. He is the answer everyone is looking for. When you and millions of other people asked yourselves, "why do we exist," you were asking a question that has a simple answer. You exist because you were made to exist. You were caused to exist. You were put into existence by the One that existed, exists and will exist, always.

What other explanation is there? Think about it. As humans we keep slowly observing different parts of a vast creation. We are looking at a small piece of a large picture. We can't use that small piece to deny the large picture. The large picture is there - but it takes insight to see it. God is the large picture. Allah is the large picture.

As humans sometimes we are too primitive to understand that often we don't have that insight. Allah is beyond - He is the answer. Nothing created Him and He created all. That is the answer to our question. The fact that our brains are too basic to comprehend this beautiful reality does not mean that it is not a reality.”

(from this post)

I will also say that Islam is a most insightful conclusion. The question may arise: how do we know that this is from God? I will say that all it takes is a look into the beauty of the Qur’an, God’s word. Also, it takes a look into the life of Muhammad ﷺ.

Muhammad's life ()

When we look at Muhammad’s life (), we find that this is a man who went out of his way to preach a message that was not a message fabricated to give him fame, but a message that he truly believed in, and a message that came to him from God. That explains why his message had aspects that may have not made sense to someone at the time:

"Muhammad () turned down fame and fortune to preach his message, and was persecuted for it. He continued to endure hardship to push forward his message. This message should be something that would make a lot of sense to someone at the time. But it turns out that no, actually the laws that Muhammad () was preaching were very strange for their context. When women are treated horribly, Muhammad () gives them bizarre rights such as inheritance (even though he absolutely did not have to). When everyone believes in racism, Muhammad () preaches race equality. When the society around Muhammad () is largely engaged in polytheism, he preaches monotheism. He goes against things in his society that would not seem to be wrong for the time. We need to think about his message, and after some analysis it is clear that "this is not a message of fame," as Dr. Yasir Qadhi notes. If he wanted fame, why would he go against his society's traditions, like the mistreatment of women, so openly and explicitly? It would seem like his bizarre laws are not coming from him (), but are being revealed to him in some way, so that he can preach them among his people. This sounds very similar to the explanation Muhammad () gave for his message himself - that he was receiving messages from God. Information from Dr. Yasir Qadhi used (see sources below) "
(from this post)

The Qur'an

The Qur’an is a book that combines beauty of so many different types, in a way that is truly dazzling. If you listen to some of the Qur’an being recited, you will likely immediately notice the beautiful, harmonious rhyming nature of it. But at the same time, this is a book of laws and a book that effectively rules the lives of millions of people everyday. It is a book that is beautiful in function. And still, in structure and theme, it shines. Dr. Raymond Farrin, Nouman Ali Khan and others have noted the Qur’an’s beauty in structure. it is composed of 114 chapters, and was recited over 23 years, and often addresses events that were happening at the time of revelation (so it couldn’t have been pre-written, except if it was written by someone who knows the future. Yet still, we find that individual chapters like Surat al-Baqarah (Chapter 2) are arranged beautifully in ring composition and very meticulously designed, and "chapter pairs" are evident repeatedly, where two chapters clearly tie together, "chapter groups” are also evident, where a group of chapters are similar, and the whole Qur’an ties together beautifully as a whole, as Dr. Raymond Farrin illustrates in his book Structure and Qur'anic Interpretation: A Study of Symmetry and Coherence in Islam’s Holy Text

In the end, the Qur’an is demonstrated to be a beautiful book on so many levels, and we have to stop acting as if Muhammad ﷺ could have been responsible for this. The truth is evident. A man ﷺ came forth with severe dedication to push forward a message, not a message of fame or fortune, and he claimed that the message was coming from God. He suffered for it, and brought forth a book that he claimed to be from God. This book would conquer the hearts of millions, and amaze people ceaselessly on so many levels. This book was from God ﷻ. The Qur’an was from God ﷻ.

These were some of the reasons to be a Muslim. For the evidence showing why Muhammad () was indeed a messenger of God, visit this post. For common misconceptions about Islam, visit this post.

*I am not a certified psychologist or religious authority, I am simply presenting data which I found from other sources and otherwise, and if something is incorrect in any manner I do not claim it to be correct.

*Disclaimer: The author does not claim to be perfect, and the advice listed in The Muslim Blog or on The Muslim Talk facebook/instagram pages is advice to the author as much as it is to anyone else :)
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