A Very Urgent Reminder...Before It's Too Late | The Muslim Blog

In life we get carried away with things. We get carried away with jobs, school, relationships, events, and in all this mess, we can forget the most important things in life, which is very dangerous. Consciously or unconsciously, we start to lose grip of things that we should never lose a grip on. We forget that our life is slipping by like sand slipping through a hand. This is a wakeup call, a chance to set our priorities straight, before death takes us – which could be very soon. Here are two very crucial things that need to be fixed:

1. How is your relationship with Allah?

It’s really easy to slip up on your religious life. Whether it’s because you can’t heave your bones to pray on time, or because you’ve been finding difficulty in maintaining proper Islamic manners in your life and behavior, these are all problems that need attention. Remember, you could die at any moment, so there’s no time to waste! Force yourself to pray a bit extra, repent from your sins, or listen to some Qur’an. Revive your relationship with your Creator before it’s too late.

2.  Have you helped the world improve?

It’s something we might ask about someone who just died. What did they contribute to the world? How did they make it better (or worse)? This question should be pounding on our doors everyday. Even if you feel you haven’t done much, that’s OK, because everyday is a new chance to contribute in some way, and everyone has their way of contributing to the world. So what’re you waiting for? The doors are open!

*I am not a certified psychologist or religious authority, I am simply presenting data which I found from other sources and otherwise, and if something is incorrect in any manner I do not claim it to be correct.
*Disclaimer: The author does not claim to be perfect, and the advice listed in The Muslim Blog or on The Muslim Talk facebook/instagram pages is advice to the author as much as it is to anyone else :)
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