The Terrible Danger in Tough Situations and How to Save Yourself

Tough situations can be the reason great things happen to you, but also, they can be the reason you suffer a huge loss. It's time to learn how to deal with this, but first, I'll talk about a type of people who can, in a way, be a representation of what happens to some people in tough situations.

When you're doing well, when you are succeeding, they're right there by your side. They approve of you and are loyal to you. But the second things turn bad, the second they aren't directly benefitting from you, they turn on you. They forget all the good things you did for them and lose faith in you.

That is something that happens with people in this life, but something similar can happen in your relationship with Allah. This can be really dangerous and a threat to your relationship with Allah. And plus, do you really want to be like those people? The choice is yours. Here's more about it:

Say you're having a good year. You've been doing well in your work and family and other things. You are thankful to Allah and pray a lot, because you can see that He's giving you a lot. But soon, you are having trouble in your job and disputing a lot with family members. Things are falling apart. You start to go to the mosque less and start feeling that God is harming you. You start to blame God and slowly get farther away from Him. When you get fired from your job you get depressed and you ultimately lose faith in God, blaming Him for all this and searching for someone else to save you. You stop praying and stop having faith in God altogether.

Is this a rational reaction to the problem, which takes in all considerable factors? Probably not. Here, your God may have only gave you trouble in this job so you could get fired and find a better one. Or maybe He was giving you trouble in this life so you could die and go to a better one. Maybe all this was the thing that would end up sending you to eternal bliss in some way . Do you really still think that God was trying to hurt you?

But still, you immediately lost faith in God and stopped praying because you were in trouble.

I'm sure many real stories resemble this one. This is a problem. What if, because of a situation that could actually end up being the reason you go to heaven in some way, you end up leaving Islam altogether?

And it can get really tempting to react like this, but you need to remember a few things before you choose to distance yourself from God because of something that happened to you:

You need to remember that in the end, this situation is only temporary. It may actually resolve itself in this life and you may see that there was a hidden benefit. Or, the situation may be a test for you that could be the reason you go to heaven or are rewarded in the hereafter.

So if you are faced with a difficult situation, maybe try to remember to always have faith in God, and to have some sort of patience. Ask Allah to help you. Even if you feel like you don't see any signs of improvement, stay patient for Allah, and remember that this situation may bring you rewards you never imagined. If the situation gets resolved, you will probably look back and feel happy that even when you were put in a tough situation, you continued to have faith in God and unwavering patience.

*I am not a certified psychologist or religious authority, I am simply presenting data which I found from other sources and otherwise, and if something is incorrect in any manner I do not claim it to be correct.
*Disclaimer: The author does not claim to be perfect, and the advice listed in The Muslim Blog or on The Muslim Talk facebook/instagram pages is advice to the author as much as it is to anyone else :)
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