Things to Help You Be More Religious | The Muslim Blog

Main points
-Learn about the evidences for the Qur'an's divine origin
(include some sources, such as the ring composition video, arguments and quotes from divine reality and otherwise - with emphasis on the linguistic excellence argument)
-be aware of Allah's blessings on you and how lucky you are to be you and have what you have
(include some quotes from the post about this)
-learn about heaven and hell and the last day
(include this video by Yasir Qadhi: about the events of judgement day)
(possibly this video: which helps you reflect about the questions of judgement day)
-reflect on death
--death is a reality. Ask yourself the question - if you died tomorrow, would you be satisfied with your life? Would Allah SWT be satisfied with your life? What needs to change?
-This can propel you to action in improving your life by doing more salat, giving more to charity, doing more good deeds, etc., and making an effort to earn Allah's forgiveness SWT

Overall, make it a relatively brief and simple but powerful article

*I am not a certified psychologist or religious authority, I am simply presenting information which I found from other sources and otherwise, and if something is incorrect in any manner I do not claim it to be correct.
*Disclaimer: The author does not claim to be perfect, and the advice listed on The Muslim Blog or on The Muslim Talk facebook/instagram pages is advice to the author as much as it is to anyone else :)
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